2011年2月8日 星期二

Japanese Geography Project

This Chinese new year holiday me and my family just went for a trip to Japan Kyushu(九州).
Our destination included Ibusuki(指宿市), Miyazaki(宮崎県)and Kagoshima (鹿児島市).

 Kyushu is the third largest island, which located in the south-west part of Japan. the weather is so much like what we have in Hong Kong,  relatively warm in winter and often rain in summer.  

Ibusuki(指宿市)was the first place we went to during the trip, located in the very south part of Kyushu. Ibusuki is very famous in hot spring(温泉) especially the sand bath(砂蒸し風呂) that can only found there. Ngazakibana( 長崎鼻)was the south end of the whole Japan, which facing the pasific ocean. ikedaco(池田湖)is the largest lake in in kyushu, which was famous that a monster called イッシー living inside it.

Miyazaki(宮崎県)was as well in the south part of Japan, which one of the famous jinja utojinku(鵜戸神宮)was located there. we as well went to the heiwadaicoen(平和台公園)which a huge tower heiwanoto(平和の塔)was built in there. Quite interesting that is when you crap your hand in front of the tower you will hear a bip sound come out from the tower.

Kagoshima (鹿児島市)was the last place we went to during the trip. It is next to a huge vocaino sakurajima(桜島火山)that we even can see smoke coming out from there. We can see the full view of Kagoshima city as well the Sakurajima on the shiroyamacoen(城山公園), just like the peak we have in Hong Kong that every tourist will go there. 

5 則留言:

  1. アァ~砂蒸し風呂面白いそう!やってみる!

  2. wow, I hope you didn't feel disappointed. if it was me who made the trip...i would feel real bad that the Chinese New Year was so short, and would make the trip short.

    If i remember correctly, 鹿児島市 has a very special place in Japanese history. It was where Japan's true last samurai fought his final battle.

    good job, Cur仔!

  3. I went to Kyushu in January too XDD
    It is a nice place~!

  4. haha~~~it's quite funny that there was a monster イッシー living inside.
    so did you enjoy the hot spring?
    I really want to go to that (桜島火山). It seems like very amazing ^_^

  5. 優希さん:



